Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Person,Life and Power

Your Life in One Sentence: The Power of VisionIt may be said that a span of period from birth to death is life.A person itself does not know anything happened before his birth and after his death,may have second hand knowledge.
Another thing is that it is gifted,not acquired.That is why a man has no preference about his birth and death.
There is a peculiar irony of fate that a person's life is not controlled only by himself.It is also influenced by many things which don't depend on a person's acceptance or rejection.
It is vivid that the period cited above is full of sorrow and joy.How much will be sorrow or joy is dependent on a person's mental outlook which plays an important role in his life.If some one is much more positive ,he will get much more positive result in respect of having joy,on the other hand, if he is much more negative the more you will get frustration, a source of sorrow.
Life may be stated as a moving movie show where we have only perception,nothing else.
Sometimes it is said that everything in life is prefixed by destiny,If this notion is accepted , a person will have to remain as a statue around which everything is going on and it has no movement or attempt to control anything.
There are many preferences before people and they grow and work according to their preferences and also get result as they do.There is boundless power in human-being but it is not personal,it is an entangled capability.Even a great scientist can not be great without entangled power.
One more specialty is seen in human-being and it is his narrowness of mind.This narrowness is so marrow that no example can be found to compare with it.
At this present special situation the so called higher class society,which think that everything is for its comforts and happiness and rest is nothing but weeds,can probably realize this truth.

Friday, April 10, 2020


Is religion good or bad for humanity? Epic analysis delivers an ...History reveals that neither religion nor secularism could save people.There must be contradiction and opponency between two different religions.It is a regretful historical truth and experience .These  contradiction and opponency are indomitable.If there is only one religion in a country and it persists there for a long period yet automatically an opponent division will grow there and it is the irony of fate. In a Christian dominating country,there are two division Protestant and Catholic.In Muslim countries there are Sia and Sunni.In Buddhism there are Hinjan and Mahajan. In Hinduism there are many division.
This is the Human nature which is unavoidable and lead the people contradiction and opponency. This is hopeless condition haunts a real man and he will be eager to know how it is being activated in human society. The main ingredient is fanaticism. The cleric,clergymen or priests who don't find light in known but their own religion always fan the fire of opponency and create fanatics.The next part is power mongers who are ready to try every means to fulfill their purpose.The third  for the peace loving people and humanists who try to maintain the society, in tranquility.
Then what is the way to bring this demonic situation to an end.Only the way is "Humanity".
"Humanity" should be the only religion in the modern age and this humanity can save human civilization. Humanity should be nurtured properly all over the world.Humanity is the destiny of mankind,nothing else.

Friday, April 3, 2020


The way of thinking is very important.It leaves effect not only on mind but also on the body of a person.

The positive effect is called "Placebo" and the negative effect is called "Nocebo".

We know well that a tree has a special power to cure itself.If a bough is cut down and the tree is lest as it is,the bough will grow up to the extent as it was before within a certain period.this fact may make us envious to the tree.
Though we have no such power but we have a mysterious power which is totally unknown to us.Those power are Placebo and Nocebo.
Placebo and Nocebo Effects in Psychiatry and Beyond | Frontiers ...
Once an experiment was undertaken to prove this placebo effect .Some patients suffering same diseases ,were divided two parts..The patients of the first part were given medicine and the patients of the second part were given sugar balls as medicine.After due course ,patients of both parts were cured.
How it could be possible!!!
It was possible because of placebo effect.The patient of the second part deeply believed that they were taking medicine and they were cured.If some one believe in something by heart and soul,he will have result according to his belief.It will depend on the depth on one's belief.Where as Nocebo effect is full of darkness.If someone thinks negative of oneself,it may lead one to not only to darkness but also to destruction.So it may be said that the more one be positive the more one will progress.That does not mean one will be reckless.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Bad student & Good student

Everybody knows that each and every person has a mind.so common it is that none gives important to this phenomena.The mind is the very mysterious.At the same time it will not be exaggeration if it is said that mind is also a mine of power.In ancient Indian,sages knew this fact.With rigorous meditation and a controlled lifestyle they could control their mind fully and with this controlled mind they could materialize miracle .

In modern science , scientific experiments are going on to prove this matter.It is said that a human body is build of 50  trillion cells and every cell is intelligent.These cells together make mind.
Quantum physic researches in waves which are created by our mind and entangled with the waves created by a mind of  some one dear to him .Sometimes we experience this type of incident Mr.X is thinking deeply or casually of his friend,not seen for a long time,within a short period he gets phone call   from his friend.It is a result of the mental wave entangling.
It was said before that mind is a mine of power but in practical life we can not find the truth.If we take examples of different students,we see though every student has mind yet there are good students and bad students..swami Vivekananda said,"There are no bad or good students.There are only attentive students and inattentive students.Attentive students get good result in examination and inattentive students get the opposite.Inattentive students means a great loss of nation."
If our school believe in the word of Swami Vivekananda and since the childhood of the boys and girls ,measures were taken to make them understand the truth and if they were trained to control their mind ,our country would have been more powerful in every sphere of life.